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I.t. doctors database analysis 1218 1727 5 0 Mar 19, 2001
In vitro fertilization 831 1567 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Indicactor lab 442 1550 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Infectious diseases 2743 1626 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Influence of influenza 985 1684 5 0 Mar 19, 2001
Information about transgenic organisms 326 1520 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Information management 3290 1592 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Information warfare 1371 1489 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Inhalents 285 2285 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Insomnia 1183 2178 8 0 Mar 19, 2001
Intel vs. amd the true story (intel bias) 1400 1593 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
International space station 2788 1487 5 0 Mar 19, 2001
Internet 1078 2060 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Internet 2 1213 1563 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Internet concepts 2784 1655 2 0 Mar 19, 2001
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