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Tupac and The Outlawz history 1045 1459 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
The Sixth Sense 996 1498 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
The Matrix-critique and review 2341 1344 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
The Ancient Art of Jujitsu, and the Modern Form of Judo 1402 1519 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Television vs movies 499 1565 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
The Avant-Garde Architecture o 1303 1631 5 0 Mar 16, 2001
Tango - In Spanish 4939 1771 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
The Beatles 574 1671 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
The Chain of Art 643 1599 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
The History of Greek Theater 2387 1384 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
Thoughts on Pocahontas the Mov 297 1327 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
Treasure of the Sierra Madre - 829 1446 5 0 Mar 16, 2001
True Romance 662 1427 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
That the Beatles acclerated the change in society. 1493 1621 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Thats Not Art 464 1571 5 0 Mar 18, 2001
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