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W.B.Yeats and Leda and the Swan 1540 2858 5 0 Mar 18, 2001
Wallstreet, movie 1908 1747 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Walt Disney 385 1642 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
War of the Roses 1211 1646 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Wdesfr 9 2198 0 0 Jun 17, 2009
West Side Story 766 1500 5 0 Mar 18, 2001
What Dreams may come 911 1790 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
What is art ? 1475 1416 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
What is Heavy Metal 1122 1569 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Who is the Hero 1156 1513 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Who Wants to be Next in Line 1775 1632 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Who was the Bard 2467 1555 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Why art is important to religion 634 1540 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Why Do Kids Want To Play the Guitar 703 1458 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
Why does theatre survive 1300 1606 0 0 Mar 18, 2001
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