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J. Edgar Hoover 1448 1464 5 0 Apr 7, 2001
J.P. Morgan 4979 1824 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
Jack london(biography) 854 1351 0 0 Mar 13, 2001
Jacksonian democracy 837 1541 0 0 Mar 13, 2001
James Watt affected the economic growth of our nation 724 1358 0 0 Apr 7, 2001
JDuwhNVbLIxRAguhK 7 5676 0 0 Jan 21, 2016
Jeanne La Pucelle (Joan The Ma 830 1384 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
Jeffersonians Vs. Jacksonians 1904 1416 5 0 Mar 16, 2001
Jewish History 1246 1444 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
JFK 622 2017 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
JFK 544 1929 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
JFK 3647 2236 0 0 Mar 16, 2001
JFK 1895 1977 0 0 Apr 7, 2001
JFK - Assasination 2017 1385 5 0 Apr 7, 2001
JFK and the Warren Commission 1868 1376 0 0 Apr 7, 2001
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