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I know why the caged bird sings. 758 1529 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Ida b. wells 809 1450 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Ida B. Wells 923 1489 0 0 Apr 7, 2001
Ida b. wells 2 1011 1587 3 0 Mar 19, 2001
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Influences of virginia woolf 2041 1469 5 0 Mar 19, 2001
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Irving Penn 1065 4068 5 0 Apr 7, 2001
Is the history nonsense? 663 1181 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Is tiger that great? 605 1163 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Isaac asimov 1794 1422 0 0 Mar 19, 2001
Isaac Asimov 1782 1444 0 0 Apr 7, 2001
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